This heat map depicts the most popular places in a city — mainly tourist attractions — depending on the number of photographs clicked at that place. If you’re new to a city or are travelling and wish to check out the hottest spots in the city, this website can prove to be useful. The most popular photos — indicated by the red and yellow markers — also have Streetview, Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Foursquare and Google Plus article links about the area. The popularity ranking of these areas is calculated by combining the spot’s hotness alongwith popularity rankings from Wikipedia, Foursquare and real-time Google Places selection.

Users are also allowed to log in via their Facebook account to the website and create their own heat map, adding photographs that they clicked while travelling. The public map is available for everyone without logging in and is created with the help of Panoramio photos of Google Maps. Although Panoramio is being retired and won’t be available post-November 2017, all the images will be transferred to a linked Google account. The website might not be a popular mainstream resource for travellers but to give it some credibility in your eyes, it’s also used by National Geographic photographers to source locations in some projects. The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.

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